Wow! I just really want to tell you tonight that our Heavenly Father is moving mightily in this Land. If you do not understand the significance of Israel, the people and the Land, then I would beg you to read through the entire Scriptures looking for the Father's heart in all of this. Yeshua came to restore Israel to the Father. He came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel! Yeshua did not come with a new agenda. Believers are a part of this plan, but certainly do not replace Israel. Today He is rejoining the Jewish people with their lost brothers. It is visibly happening in the Land and we see that revelation is happening everywhere as Jew and non-Jew recognize that together they are Israel. The brothers are moving toward each other with an ever quickening pace! Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you truth about this! It is an important prophesied end-times revelation!
Here are the lyrics of a song we heard sung here. I promised you these in an earlier blog. Dawn Rogers and Tricia Walker are on the sheet I have a copy of. I know you can find this song on I-tunes.
Verse 1 - Who am I to be part of Your people; the ones that are called by Your name? Could I be chosen as one of Your own, could it be that our blood is the same?
Chorus 1 & 3 - Baruch Hashem Adonai, Baruch Hashem Adonai. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Baruch Hashem Adonai.
Verse 2 - How can a stranger, a remnant of nations, belong to this royal line? You showed Your grace when the branches were broken, and I grafted into the vine.
Chorus 2 & 4 - Baruch Hashem Adonai, Baruch Hashem Adonai. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Baruch Hashem Adonai. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Baruch Hashem Adonai.
Verse 3 - How could You show me such bountiful mercy by taking the life of the Lamb? Your love is greater than I can imagine, I bless You with all that I am.
Verse 4 - Praise to You, Jesus, the veil has been parted, and what once was secret is known. Now I can cry to You, Abba, Father, and praise You as one of Your own.
Okay, I also want to share with you a few pictures from when Cal and I travelled up to the Golan for an overnight stay.